Ceylon Endemic Explorer
A Drop of Sri Lankan Beauty...
15.Boiga Barnesii
14.Boiga Beddomei
Scientific Name : Boiga Beddomei
Kingdom : Animalia
Class: Reptilia
Family : Colubridae
About : Boiga commonly known as beddome s cat snake is a species of rear fanged snak in the family colubridae . the species is endmic to the western ghats of india in maharashtra gujarata and goa states.
13.Ahaetulla Nasuta
Class : Reptilia
Family : Colubridae
Kingdom : Animlia
About : The green vine snake is diurnal and mildly venomous. the reptile normally feeds on frogs and lizads it s binocular vision to hunt. they are slow moving relying on camouflaging as a vine in foliage.the snake expands its body when disturbed to show a black and white scale marking.
12.Boiga Trigonata
Scientific Name : Boiga Trigonata
Family : Colubridae
Class : Reptilia
Kingdom : Animalia
About : There are 229-269 ventral scales 79-92 divided subcaudal scales and a single anal scale.boiga trigonata has a yellowish olive or pale grey colour along the back and a white black edged zigzag band along the edged with black diverging posteriorly.
Botanical Name : Artocarpus nobilis Family: Moraceae Type of the plant: A tree Description: The height is only 25m. The ...
Common Name: Mousey Mi Botanical Name: Madhuca longifolia Family: Sapotaceae Type of the plant: A Large tree Description: Roug...
Botanical Name : Plentranthus hadiensis Family : Lamiacea Type of the plant: A small tree Description: Grows up to 1 m. It has se...