15. Mee
14. Dothalu, Ran Dothalu
13. Iriweriya
Botanical Name: Plentranthus hadiensis
Type of the plant: A small tree
12. Sudu Idda or Wal Idda
Common Name: Artic Snow, Milky Way, Snowflake
Botanical Name: Wrightia antidysenteria
Family: Apocyncae
Type of the plant: Small tree
Growing Area: in any area
Description: A slender, Grows up to 0.7-2m . Petiole is 0.1-0.6cm. Leave blade 1-4 cm wide. Leaves are Green and oval and Young leaves are light green. The tips of the leaves are pointed. Leaves turn yellow before shedding. The stem is strong and the branches are not so strong. White spots can be seen in some places on the stem. Flowers are poor, short-penduncled , monochasialy and white. Tube is 1.7-2.8cm long. Mevocarps 9-15 cm long.
Medicinal Properties: Traditionally, Flowers and roots are taken for the treatment of Russell's Viper bites. Infusion of leaves cures tonsillitis, bronchial diseases and uveitis.
11. Girithilla ( Elephant creeper)
Botanical name: Argyreia populifolia
Family: Convolvulaceae
Type of the plant: A vine
Description: A vine grows around a supporting plant. The dark green leaves grow up to 7-15cm. The funnel shaped flowers are purple in color. Fruits are green .Yellow-orange when ripe. The young leaves are eaten as pulp.
Growing Area: In any area
Medicinal Properties: Traditionally, the leaves ,roots, and milk of the vine are used for loss of appetite, lack of appetite, rhematism, gout, heart disease, cough, asthma,diabetes, dog bites, and gum wounds.
10. Kakuna
Botanical Name: Canarium zeylanicum
Family: Burseraceae
Type of the plant: Tree
Description: Grow up to 25-30 m in height. Leaves are 10- 12 cm. Leaves are green color.The seed are Large,oval and can be eaten. Fruit and flowers can be seen April to September. Fruit are purple black color.
Growing Area: Rain forest
Medicinal Properties: Medicinally, the bark of the tree is astringent and antiseptic. A decoction of it is used as a gargle for bleeding and spongy gums.
9. Nil Manel ( Blue water Lily)
Botanical name: Nymphaea nouchli
Family: Nymphaeaceae
Type of the plant: A flower plant
Description: The leaves are round and green on top , darker underside.The floating leaves have undulating edges that give them a crenelated appearance. their size is about 20-23 cm and their spread is up to 1.5m from the rhizome. The flower has four or five sepals and 13-15 petals that have an angular appearance, marking the flower look star shaped from above.
Growing Area: Lakes, ponds, and marshlands throughout the low country
Medicinal Properties: Roasted tubers are taken for diseases in the urinary tract and the digestive system. Acts as an emollient and a diuretic. Traditionally , believed it has possess mild sedative properties. Aiding in relaxation and stress relief , and promoting mood enhancement and restful sleep. Additionally, they have analgesic effects, providing relief from mild pain. Sometime considered an aphrodisiac, enhancing libido and sexual pleasure. Rich in antioxidants, may help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation and also offering digestive support.
8. Keena
Botanical name: Calophyllum walkeri
Family: Calophyllaceae
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Type of the plant: A tree
Description: Up to 30 m in high. Tree has mush branches. Bark is a greyish -brown with irregular cracks. Branches are rather thick and quadrangular. Young leaves flushes are copper red. Mature leaves are rounded in shape with a tapering base and slightly pointed tip. Leaves are 1.5-6 cm long and 2-5 cm broad. Mid and lateral veins can't be seen above, prominent beneath. Inflorescence with pinkish white. Flowers are fragrant, each about 2.5 cm and borne on terminal parts of the twigs covering the whole crown of tree. Fruits erected upward on twigs and pale yellow in color with brown spots. Fruits are globular and about 3 cm in diameter.
Growing Area: Forest canopy species in higher parts of the mountain zone,above 1800m
Medicinal Properties: Traditionally, Bark is used to treat pacifies piththa dosha, Cures ulcers, snake bites and eye diseases.
7. Vesak Orchid
Botanical name: Dendrobium maccarthiae
Family: Dendrobium
Type of the plant: A Flower plant
Description: There are many flowers in May.Fewer visible in February,March,June, August ,September. Flower base becomes lager and more colorful The size of a flower is about 8-8.5cm. Hora,Rubber,Vanaidala and Batadomba are supporting Trees. Since the formation of pods is low, the spread is minimal. The height of the grown plant is 2-3 feet. A large number of roots hug the supporting tree. Leaves arise from nodes at the end of the stem.
Growing Area: Limited areas of wet zone ; Kaluthara, Rathnapura,Kegalle. In supporting plants along streams.
As this plant is protected plant species under The Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance, any activity that damage the plant, including cutting flowers and saving plants, is a punishable offense according to that act.
6. Wal Kaduru, Kukul Kaduru or Wasa Kaduru
5. Hora, Sarala or Kiripalu
Botanical Name: Dipterocarpus zeylanicus
Family: Dipterocarpaceae
Conservation Status: Endangered
Type of the plant: A tree
Growing Area: Sinharaja rain forest , Ratnapura, Kaluthara, Galle and Mathara
Medicinal Properties: Decoration of the boiled heartwood is taken as an expectorant.
Dried gum dissolved in lime juice is taken to control pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis , pneumonia and also acts as a diaphoretic
Triterpenes: Asiatic acid, ursolic acid and its derivatives from resin.
4. DiyaPara
Botanical name: Dillenia triquetra
Family: Dilleniaceae
Type of the plant: A tree
Description: Grows upto 20 m. Stems are greyish-brown, slender and smooth , marked with leaf scars. Leaves thick and dark green, 6-30 cm long and 4- 19 cm . Broad, blunt-tripped elliptic in shape. Petioles of young leaves with a pair of white green oblongs. Upper side leaves fall. Early turning brown. Mature leaf show channeled peduncle. Flowers in terminal clusters with green buds. Bloom into white flowers. Fruits are green, small and spherical in shape.
Growing Area: Along rivers and water tributaries of lowland forests
3. GodaPara
Botanical Name: Dillenia retusa
Family: Dilleniaceae
Type of the plant: A large tree
Description: Grows up to 20 m. Branches are strong and the smooth stem is gray- brown in color. The leaves are rather large , ovate to curved at the apex. Mature leaves are green. 8-21cm long and 5cm wide. Young leaves are light colored. Flowers are solitary white with 5 large petals. With a bright yellow touch towards the middle and star shape stigma in the center. Flower wide about 6-8 cm. Fruit covered with sepals. Greenish. Rose red near the stem. The fruit show firmness. Turning orange when rip.
Growing Area: Lowland rainforests
Medicinal Properties: Mucilaginous sap of the fruit is applied to treat fractures, dislocations, and skin boils. Fruit pulp is used to cleanse the scalp for healthy hair. Pleasantly crisp, sweet and juicy this popular apple feature a beautiful bright green sikin with a pale red hue uses to fever, nervous system disorders, oral diseases, anorexia, exclusive thirstyl, dysentery, coughs , burning sensations.
2. Heen Bovitia
Family: Melastomaceae
Type of the plant: A bush
Description: Grow
to a height of about 2m. Stem is covered with trichomes. The leaves length are about 5 cm. The surface is oval and upper surface is dark green and lower surface is light green. The leaf margin is smooth. There are three main veins on the leaf surface and the central one is main. Flower buds can be seen end of the branches. Flowers are purple. In the center of the flower, the pollen grains are yellow. The petals are smooth and fleshy. Each flower has five petals.
Growing Area: In any area.
Medicinal Properties: All parts like leaves, barks, roots are used for medicine. Heen Bovitia porridge without salt is good for jaundice. Porridge made from chopped leaves removes excess heat from the body. Cancer resistant. This contains different photochemical that have great importance in traditional therapeutic system and wildly used to treat hepatitis and liver disorders.
1. Ceylon Breadfruit (wal-del, kela-del, hingala-del, bedi-del)

Botanical Name: Artocarpus nobilis
Family: Moraceae
Type of the plant: A tree
Description: The height is only 25m. The grey-brown exudes a white sap when wounded. The leaf bud is covered with an elongated white nail. The leaves are hairy on the buds. Mature tree leaves have a broad oval base and a pointed apex. Margin slightly curved, 14- 32cm long and 8- 23cm wide. Inflorescence is fleshy, erect, stalk-like leaves arising at the nodes. The seeds can eat.
Growing Area: Wet zone in Sri Lanka. March of the year flowers are blooming.Fruits can be harvested during May- July. The seed is making the propagation.
Medicinal Properties: The nutrients here can be seen as a very effective energy food mentioned as Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat, Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Carotene, Yamin, Riboflavin,Niacin, vitamin C.
This is an asthma, worms cure. Especially taking fried seed foods can help improve men's sexual strength. Oil sprinkled from seed can help control air disease, cure visara nuts and grains. Plant's milk is used to cure gulma and worms.
Botanical Name : Artocarpus nobilis Family: Moraceae Type of the plant: A tree Description: The height is only 25m. The ...
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Botanical Name : Plentranthus hadiensis Family : Lamiacea Type of the plant: A small tree Description: Grows up to 1 m. It has se...