Botanical Name: Artocarpus nobilis
Family: Moraceae
Type of the plant: A tree
Description: The height is only 25m. The grey-brown exudes a white sap when wounded. The leaf bud is covered with an elongated white nail. The leaves are hairy on the buds. Mature tree leaves have a broad oval base and a pointed apex. Margin slightly curved, 14- 32cm long and 8- 23cm wide. Inflorescence is fleshy, erect, stalk-like leaves arising at the nodes. The seeds can eat.
Growing Area: Wet zone in Sri Lanka. March of the year flowers are blooming.Fruits can be harvested during May- July. The seed is making the propagation.
Medicinal Properties: The nutrients here can be seen as a very effective energy food mentioned as Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat, Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Carotene, Yamin, Riboflavin,Niacin, vitamin C.
This is an asthma, worms cure. Especially taking fried seed foods can help improve men's sexual strength. Oil sprinkled from seed can help control air disease, cure visara nuts and grains. Plant's milk is used to cure gulma and worms.
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