15.Boiga Barnesii
14.Boiga Beddomei
Scientific Name : Boiga Beddomei
Kingdom : Animalia
Class: Reptilia
Family : Colubridae
About : Boiga commonly known as beddome s cat snake is a species of rear fanged snak in the family colubridae . the species is endmic to the western ghats of india in maharashtra gujarata and goa states.
13.Ahaetulla Nasuta
Class : Reptilia
Family : Colubridae
Kingdom : Animlia
About : The green vine snake is diurnal and mildly venomous. the reptile normally feeds on frogs and lizads it s binocular vision to hunt. they are slow moving relying on camouflaging as a vine in foliage.the snake expands its body when disturbed to show a black and white scale marking.
12.Boiga Trigonata
Scientific Name : Boiga Trigonata
Family : Colubridae
Class : Reptilia
Kingdom : Animalia
About : There are 229-269 ventral scales 79-92 divided subcaudal scales and a single anal scale.boiga trigonata has a yellowish olive or pale grey colour along the back and a white black edged zigzag band along the edged with black diverging posteriorly.
11.Pseudophilautus Alto
Scientific Name : Pseudophilautus Alto
Kingdom : Animalia
Class : Amphibia
Order ; Anura
Famliy ; Rhacophoridae
About ; Pseudophilautus alto is a species of frogs in the famliy phacophoridae. it is endemic to the central highlands of sir lanka and known from the horton plains and pattipola.
10.Microhyla Mihintalei
Class : Amphibia
Famliy : Microhylidae
Kingdom : Animalia
About : Microhyla is a moderate sized frog with snout vent length of 21.7 a 27.3 mm in males and 24.4 mm in females.
9.Uperodon Nagaoi
Scientific Name : Uperodon Nagaoi
Class : Amphibia
Order : Anura
Famliy : Microphylidae
Kingdom : Animalia
About : Uperodon nagaoi are terrestrial and arboreal as adults prefer lowland moist forest habitats. there are records from about 125-150m above sea level.breeding takes place in tree holes where the tadpoles also develop. it appeares to be an obligate tree hole breeder.
8.Pseudophilautus Sordidus
Scientific Name : Pseudophilautus Sordidus
Class : Amphibia
Order ; Anura
Kingdom ; Animalia
About ; Pseudophilautus Sordidus commonly known as the grubby shrub frig is a species of frog in the famliy rhacophoridae. it is endemic to sir lanka.
7.Microhyla Zeylanica
Scientific Name : Microhyla eylanica
Famliy : Microhylidae
Order : Anura
Class : Amphibia
Genus : Microhyla
Domain : Eukaryota
6.Uperodon Palmatus
Scientific Name ; Uperodon Palmatus
Kingdom : Animalia
Class : Amphibia
Order : Anura
About : Adults occur in leaf litter under stones and other ground cover beneath bark on the trunks of trees and in the canopy . it is a rare species. it is threatened by haditat loos coused by the coversion of forests used to cultivate land logging and droughts and fire . it occurs in a number of protected areas.
5.Pseudophilautus Poppiae
ScientifOic Name : Pseudophilautus Poppiae
Kingdom : Animalia
Order ; Anura
Famliy ; Rhacophoridae
About : Orange brown on dorsal surface mottled with dark brown. a light croos band between the eyes. a distinct dark cross band on forearm forefoot tarsus and distinct dark croos bar on upper arm and femur.
4.Duttaphrynus Kotagamai
Scientific Name : Duttaphrynus Kotagamai
Kingdom : Animalia
Family : Bufonidae
Class ; Amphibia
About : The body is oragish with a pale color on the ventral surface. side brown patches can be seen on occasion. its skin is dry and has warts and there are three pale stripes between the eyes.
3.Minervarya Kirtisinghei
Scientific Name : Minervarya Kirtsinghei
Kingdom : Animalia
Family ; Dicroglossidae
Order ; Anura
About ; Colour of dorsum is brown or rounded patches with or without a bright chstnut to pale yellow mid verebral band. ventrally pale yellow . throat breast and under side of thigh ans tibia with dark speckles in some specimens.
2. Taruga eques
Family ; Rhacophoridae
Class ; Amphibia
Kingdom ; Eukaryota
Polymorphism ; Polymorphism is defined as '' arising of two or more distinct simultaneously in the same habitat of a species in such proportions that the rarest of them cannot be maintained by recurrent mutation.
10. Sloth Bear
Common Name: Bear sloth
Scientific Name: Melursus ursinus inornatus
Animal Family: Ursidae
Description: Sri lanka sloth bears have much shorter body hair than the common sloth bear and a much less shaggy appearance.
Habitat: The sloth bear sticks to heavily foreststed areas, with a lot of rock outcrops and caves in dry zone of Sri lanka.
Foods: sloth bears feats on a variety of fruits such as 'palu', 'weera', etc .They are also known to climb up trees to get at bee hives. They will also eat leafy plants, nuts, vegetables and rodents.
09. Nillu Rat
Common Name: Sri lanka mountain rat
Scientific Name: Rattus montanus
Animal Family: Muridae
Description: Grayish brown with a reddish tinge dorsally, darkest along back. Underparts gray grading into whitish. Chin and upper throat white. Tail balckish brown with fine dark hairs.
Habitat: Knuckles, Horton plains, Nuwara Eliya, and Ohiya in the central highlands of central and Uva provinces of Sri lanka.
Foods: Fruits, vegetables, cooked egg, grains and seeds.
08.Layard's Plam Squirrel
Common Name: Falme- striped jungle squirrel
Scientific name: Funambulus layardi
Animal Family: Sciuridae
Description: Its head and body length is 12-17 cm, with a14 cm tail. In colour, it is balckish brown with three stripes on its dorsum; the central stripes is broadest and longest with an orange hue in signatus yellow in
Habitat: A diurnal forests dweller, this species is somstimes found close to human dwellings or tea plantations at the edges of forests .
Foods: The feeds on tender leaves, fruits, nuts and lichens.
07.Indian Flying Fox
06. Asian Elephant
Common Name: Asiatic elephant
Scientific Name: Elephas maximus
Animal Family: Elephantidae
Population: Asian elephants once roamed across most of asia, now they're restricted to just 15% of there original range, in a number of fragmented and isolated population around south and south east Asia. Today, there are fewer than 50,000 Asian elephants left in the wild.
Description: Slightly smaller than their Afircan cousins,adult Asian elephants weigh on average between 6000 and 12000 pounds .They typically stand. 6 to 12 feet tall at the shoulders. Males are usually larger than females .
Habitat: Asian elephanta are found in isolated pockets of India and Southeast Asia, including Sumatra and Borneo.
Foods: Cultivated crops such as bananas, rice and sugarcane are favourite foods.
05. Sri Lankan Spotted Chevrotain
Common Name: Mouse- deer
Scientific Name: Moschiola meminna
Animal Family: Tragulidae
Description: Head and body length in the species typically is 55-60 cm. It is dull brown in color with three or four dotted white stripes going longitudinally along flank.
Habitat: In Sri lanka, this species is found in the dry zone and is replaced in the wet zone by the yellow- striped chevrotain.
Foods: Mostly on row fruits or succlent fruits- like produce of palnts such as roots, shoots, nuts and seeds.
04. Golden Plam Civet
Common Name: Kalawedda
Scientific Name: Paradoxurus zeylonensis
Animal Family: Viverrids
Description: The golden plam civet has two morphs- one golden and one dark brown. Specimens from montane areas are darker,slightly greyish -toned wood-brown, and paler on the underside with a yellowish- white tail tip.The rounded ears have hairless edges.The eyes large with vertical pupils.
Habitat: Lowland rainforest , montane evergreen forests , and also dense monsoon forest.
Foods: Friuts, berries, invertebrates, and a wide range of small vertebrates.
03.Sri Lanka Leopard
Common Name: Diviya
Scientific Name: Panthera pardus kotiya
Animal Family: Felidae
Population: The leopard population is estimated to number around 646 individual in protected areas and 163 animals in unprotected regions.The total number is estimated to lie between 700-950 animal in sri lanka.no subpopulation is thought to be larger than 250 individuals.
Description: The Sri lanka leopard is still found in all habitat throughout the island in both protected and unprotected areas.
Habitat: Sri lanka leopard are native to the island of Sri lanka. They are found in a range of habitats from open savannah to rainforest.
Foods: small mammals,birds and reptiles, as well as larger animals.The animals also preys on sambar,barking deer,wild boar, and monkeys.
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