11. Schokar's Bronzeback Snake

Common Name:   Schokari's bronzeback snake

Scientific Name:   Dendrelaphis schokari

Animal Name:   Colubridae

Description:   They are relatively small snakes, typically ranging from 60 to 100 cm in length. In terms of sexual dimorphism, male Schokari's bronzeback snake tend to have slightly longer tails compared to females.

Found where:   Schokari's bronzeback snake are found  wet, intermediate, and dry zones in Sri Lanka.

Habitat:   Their habitat includes a variety of environment such as forests, plantations, gardens, and rural areas.

Food:   They primarily feed on small vertebrates such as lizard, frogs, and occasionally small birds.

10. Templenton's Kukri Snake


Common Name:   Templeton's kukri snake

Scientific Name:   Oligodon templetoni 

Animal Familiy:   Colubridae

Description:   They are relatively small snakes, typically ranging from 30 to 50 cm in length. In terms of sexual dimorphism, male Templeton's kukri snake tend to have slightly longer tails compared to females.

Found where:   Templeton's kukri snake are found in Sri Lanka, particularly in the lowland rainforest and wet zone areas.

Habitat:   Their habitat includes dense vegetation, such as forests, shrubs, and gardens, where they can find shelter and prey.

Food:   They primarily feed on small vertebrates, such as lizard and frogs.

09. Sri Lankan Hump-nosed Viper


Common Name:   Sri Lankan Hump-nosed Viper

Scientific Name:   Hypnale hypnale

Animal Family:   Viperidae

Description:   The vipers typically range in size from 50-70 cm in length. One of the main differences is in size, with females generally being lager and bulkier than males. Additionally, male Hump-nosed Vipers typically have longer tails relative to their body size compared to females. Coloration and pattern may also vary slightly between the sexes, with males sometimes having brighter or more vivid marking.

Found where:   Lives in the lowlands of Sri Lanka

Habitat:   They are found in various habitats throughout Sri Lanka, including forests, plantation, and gardens.

Food:  Their diet mainly consists of small mammals, amphibians, and reptiles.

01. Purple Face Langur

Common Name:   Sri Lankan Kalu Wadura

Scientific Name:   Trachypithecus vetulus

Animal Family:   Cercopithecidae

Description:  Males weigh somewhere between 15lbs (7kg) and 21  lbs (9kg) and female weigh between 11lbs (5kg) and 17lbs (8kg).The animal is a long-tailed arboreal species, identified by a mostly brown appearance, dark face (with paler lower face) and a very shy nature. The pelage may generally vary from blackish to grayish. The species tends to have whitish to gray short 'trousers' rounded off by purplish black  faced with white sideburns. 

Found Where:   The purple-faced langur is found in closed canopy forests in Sri Lanka's mountains and the southwestern part of country' known as the ''wet zone''.

Habitat:   The range consists of the most densely populated lowland rainforest areas of sri lanka purple-faced langurs are most often found in small and widely scattered groups. ninety percent of the langurs range, now consists of human populated areas. populations are critically low within and between sites