15. Anoplolepis Gracilipes

Common Name:   Yellow Crazy Ant

Scientific Name:   Anoplolepis Gracilipes

Family:   Formicidae

Description:   Yellow Crazy Ants are small insects known for their erratic movements and yellowish coloration. They typically form large colonies and are aggressive towards other ant species and small animals.

Population:   Yellow Crazy Ant populations can vary greatly depending on environmental conditions and control efforts. In some regions, they can form super colonies with millions of individuals.

Habitat:   Yellow Crazy Ants thrive in a variety of habitats, including forest, grasslands, and urban areas.

Food:   Yellow Crazy Ants are omnivorous, feeding on a wide range of food sources including insects, small vertebrates, honeydew produced by aphides and scale insects, and various plant materials.

02. Ceylon Gaura


Common Name:  Gawara

Scientific Name:  Bibos Sinhaleyus

Animal Family:  Bovidae

Population:  Extended 

Description:  About 7 feet tall, stronger than a buffalo, bigger than. bison, slightly shorter than an Indian buffalo, weighing 700-1000kg. Females and cubs are quite light and beautiful, with few hairs when hatching.

Habitat:  Misty Central Highlands Leopard Range, Knuckles Mountain, Butterfly Mountain Horton Plains.

Food:  A type of grass called gavaramana, gavarakele, which grows in the highlands plains. 

14. Aneuretus Simoni (Sri Lankan Relict Ant)


Common Name:   Sri Lankan Relict Ant

Scientific Name:   Aneuretus Simoni 

Animal Family:   Formicidae (Ants)

Description:   Aneuretus Simoni is a species of ant known for its relatively large size and distinctive physical features, including a dark coloration and robust mandibles.

Population:   Population data may vary depending on the region and available studies, but it's generally considered to have stable population. 

Found Where:   Aneuretus Simoni is native to southeast Asia.

Food: Aneuretus Simoni is omnivorous, feeding on a variety of organic matter including insects, nectar, and other plant materials.

Habitat: This ant species inhabits forested areas, typically residing in leaf letter or soil. They can also be found nesting in rotting wood or under stones.

13. Black Ant

Common Name:   Black Ant

Scientific Name:   There are several species of black ants, but one common species is Lasius Niger. 

Animal Family:   Formicidae (Ants) 

Description:   Black ant, as the name suggest, are typically black in color. They are small insects with six legs, segmented bodies, and antennae. Their size can very depend on the species, but they are generally small, ranging from a few millimeters to a few centimeters in length.

Population:   Black ants are widespread and can be found in large population, especially in areas with suitable habitats and food sources.

Habitat:   Black ants are adaptable and can thrive in various habitats. They typically nest underground or in rotting wood but can also be found nesting in walls, under rocks, and in other sheltered locations.

Found Where:   There are commonly found in forests, grasslands, urban areas, and even deserts.

Food:  Black ants are omnivores and scavengers. They feed on a variety of food sources, including dead insects, nectar, fruit, and sugary substances.