5.Pseudophilautus Poppiae


ScientifOic Name : Pseudophilautus Poppiae

Kingdom : Animalia

Order ; Anura

Famliy ; Rhacophoridae

About : Orange brown on dorsal surface mottled with dark brown. a light croos band between the eyes. a distinct dark cross band on forearm forefoot tarsus and distinct dark croos bar on upper arm and femur.

4.Duttaphrynus Kotagamai

 Scientific Name : Duttaphrynus Kotagamai

Kingdom : Animalia

Family : Bufonidae

Class ; Amphibia

About : The body is oragish with a pale color on the ventral surface. side brown patches can be seen on occasion. its skin is dry and has warts and there are three pale stripes between the eyes.

3.Minervarya Kirtisinghei


Scientific Name : Minervarya Kirtsinghei

Kingdom : Animalia

Family ; Dicroglossidae

Order ; Anura

About ; Colour of dorsum is brown or rounded patches with or without a bright chstnut to pale yellow mid verebral band. ventrally pale yellow . throat breast and under side of thigh ans tibia with dark speckles in some specimens.

2. Taruga eques


Scientific Name ; Taruga eques

Family ; Rhacophoridae

Class ; Amphibia

Kingdom ; Eukaryota

Polymorphism ; Polymorphism is defined as '' arising of two or more distinct simultaneously in the same habitat of a species in such proportions that the rarest of them cannot be maintained by recurrent mutation.